Hello Gigi,
Disregard any lighting, graininess, or skin imperfections in the photos. These are currently unedited so that you can choose the photos with the best composition, expressions, and poses for me to do my editing work on.
I want you to select 5 photos from each gallery, and I will get these perfected, just for you.
To tell me which ones that you want, write down the name of the gallery and the number of the picture. Image numbers show up when you hover over the image, and if you click on the gallery image while hovering, it’ll enlarge the picture for you.
Engagement Photos [unedited]
Select 5 to be edited and perfected from this group
Business Photos [unedited]
Select 5 to be edited and perfected from this group
Cooking with Gigi Photos [unedited]
Select 5 to be edited and perfected from this group
Headshot Photos [unedited]
Select 5 photos to be edited and perfected from this group